Sunday, September 7, 2008

Weekly Goals - Week of 9/8/08

Here are my goals for this week:
  • 1. Workout 3 times
  • 2. Make a menu for the week
  • 3. Iron 5 things
  • 4. Work on coupons
  • 5. Finish organizing pantry
  • 6. Make a dessert for new neighbors
  • 7. Lower Chloe's bed
  • 8. Organize cleaning supply closet
  • 9. Try a new recipe
  • 10. Enter codes at

Here is how I did with last week's goals:

Goal 1: Workout 3 times. I walked with a friend on Tuesday evening, went to the gym on Wednesday morning, and walked with Ryan on Saturday.

Goal 2: Make a menu for the week. I completed this.

Goal 3: Iron 5 things. I completed this.

Goal 4: Work on coupons. I am still working on my coupons. I was really motivated this week and got a lot clipped and filed. K-Mart had double coupons and I wanted to be able to find the coupons I wanted to use. I will try to get caught up more this week.

Goal 5: Get ready for yard sale.
We had a yard sale on Saturday. I just wasn't that motivated to gather things to sale. I did find a few things and Ryan found a few things. It was a success. We got rid of some things we did not want anymore and made a little money in the process.

Goal 6: Finish organizing pantry. I did not work on this at all. I will try to finish this week. I am proud of the work I have done so far, I just need to complete it.

Goal 7: Make a dessert for someone. I still did not do this. I am going to work on it this week. We had some new neighbors move in a couple of houses down, so I am going to make some cookies or something for them welcoming them to the neighborhood.

Goal 8: Enter Coke codes at at least 3 times. I did this. I entered all the codes that I had saved in the cabinet.

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