Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Only 2 Days Left

You only have 2 days left to sign up for your free $25.00. I have researched this company and it looks legitimate. They are trying to compete with paypal. To get as many people as possible to sign up, they are offering a $25 bonus for a limited time (through May 15, 2008). You have to sign up before then to receive your $25.

You can then either request a check or connect the account to your bank account and transfer the money. You do not have to keep this account open if you do not want. You may close it at any time.

I connected my Revolution Money Exchange to my bank account and transferred my money. It took a few days to get my money. It was very easy to do. My husband decided to request a check and he got it in about a week and a half.

Click the link to join and receive your money. If you have any questions or need help, either leave a comment or email me at

Refer A Friend using Revolution Money Exchange

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