Tuesday, June 30, 2009

CVS Trip - 6/29/09

Transaction # 1
6 - Chapstick @ $0.29 each
3 - Pots @ $1.25 each
1 - Gloves @ $0.99
1 - Water Hose Nozzle @ $1.25
1 - Aquafresh Toothpaste @ $0.99

I used a $2.00 coupon for the toothpaste that was printed at CVS during a previous visit.

I used $2.49 in ECBs.

Total: $4.56

Transaction # 2
1 - Pot @ $1.25
1 - Aquafresh Toothpaste @ $0.99

I used a $2.00 coupon for the toothpaste that was printed during a previous purchase.

Total: $0.26

Everything I bought was on clearance except the toothpaste. I like to see what is on clearance, sometimes there are some pretty good deals. I recently found cans of Similac Formula for $6.00. My niece uses that brand of formula. These cans are usually over $20.00 each. So you should always check around the store for clearance. You never know what you might find.

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