Friday, September 5, 2008

Walgreens - 9/5/08

I thought I would share a few deals with you.

Here is what I got:
1 Crest Pro Health Mouthwash 500ml @ $4.49
2 Visine @ $3.99 each

Coupons used:
2 - $2.00 printable Visine coupons
2 - $2.00 September Easy Saver Catalog

Total: $4.47 + tax = $4.59

I got a $4.50 Register Reward for buying the Crest Mouthwash to spend next time.

One word of warning: if you use the Register Reward to buy the mouthwash again, then another Register Reward may not print.

1 comment:

Sonia said...

I got 3 mouthwash lst night and 3 $4.50 for later